West Suburban Montessori is a community committed to providing an exemplary AMI Montessori education to children from birth through adolescence. The highly qualified and AMI Montessori-trained faculty work in collaboration with each child's caregivers and the local Oak Park/River Forest community to support the physical, intellectual, and emotional
Tanya P. —
Our son began going to WSMS last summer and has flourished. He loves school and the community created with his classmates
Pilgrim is a private, non-profit preschool serving Oak Park, Illinois and surrounding communities. Pilgrim is committed to providing every child with loving learning environments that enable social, emotional, and physical growth. We foster every child's intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth in a play-based environment.
We welcome children
Michele F. —
We moved to the Oak Park area seeking a culturally diverse and vibrant environment to raise our family. As new residents
Nurturing the whole child, ages 3-5, through intergenerational, social, emotional and pre-academic programming to create lifelong, compassionate learners. Kindness Creators Intergenerational Preschool is a private, Intergenerational Program that offers a unique opportunity for younger and older generations to interact and build meaningful relationships