Laughlin Performance & Physical Therapy is a physical therapist owned practice located in Overland Park, Kansas. We provide professional, patient-oriented care based on the most up-to-date treatments and research. Our one-on-one care is custom-tailored to each patient and involves a combination of manual therapy, exercise, and preventative medicine
Mike Amos —
Being a natural cynic, I expected the 5 rating to be fake. To find out for myself, I scheduled an appointment and received

(18) (18)
(913) 642-7746
Trumove Physical Therapy in Overland Park are movement specialists for musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), finding the source of your pain and bringing relief through movement analysis treatments and services. We provide natural healthcare treatments to help individuals take control of their movement-related pain and/or limitations.
If you are injured
Judyjpatrick —
I was having chronic pain in my right mid back and both hips resulting in decreased mobility, balance and daily routine activities
Y our success is our top priority. We specialize in the diagnosing of musculoskeletal injury, relating it to your specific biomechanics, and then providing you the pathway for the most optimal healing in the shortest amount of time possible. We believe that treatment is not just getting rid of the pain, but providing you with the strength and proper
Dea Ann Ackermann —
I used to love going to BVPT. I went for multiple things. I found out yesterday that since they merged with KCOI, they are
Physical therapy is often the best first line of defense prior to medical intervention for pelvic and musculoskeletal conditions. Rehab For Her is a specialty Women's Health Physical Therapy Clinic located in Kansas City. With over 20 years of experience in the field of Women's Health Physical Therapy, Shannon DeSalvo of Rehab For Her has the skills
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