(22) (22)
(760) 321-9444
Our professional mechanics have seen it all. Come to us when you need assistance with your bicycle repairs and we'll keep you on the go in no time. We are now operating from 10:00am - 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, 10:00am - 4pm Saturday, closed Sundays and Mondays. We see ourselves as essential to helping customers continue to remain active, while
David L. —
I am an annual visitor to Palm Desert, and wanted to try out Mountain Biking here. I rented a Giant MTB from Kate and Manny
As a member, you can contribute to DBC by serving on the club's Board or one of the committees. We often participate at local cycling event's market or community fair and seek volunteers to help man the tent-always a good time! All of these opportunities are a great a great way to give back and make a lot of new friends, too!