Enjoy our friendly office in the small mountain town of Payson AZ. Dr. Elizabeth Summers has over 40 years of experience with back pain, neck pain, headaches, and most extremity problems. Patients are surprised to find that foot pain and shoulder problems respond well to chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic is safe and effective as an alternative
Meria Heller —
Fabulous, painless. Been using Bee Well for years now. No snapping, twisting, popping. Activator method - effective and painless
Laser therapy treats a variety of conditions at their source through safe, non-invasive, and painless procedures. A non-surgical technique that reduces pressure on the discs that rest between the vertebrae. We tailor our techniques to alleviate common pregnancy conditions and protect both mother and child.
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We focus on the relationship between the body's physical structure and its nervous system and though our treatments are primarily applied to the spinal region, this doesn't mean that we treat only back and neck pain. While we effectively eliminate back and neck pain it's not our only goal. Our goal is to restore and optimize your overall health.