Looking for a medical equipment planner? Need an expert to identify, budget and plan for the technology needs of your project? A consultant to identify the infrastructure requirements of the medical equipment and communicate them to the project design team? We offer all those things and more. The healthcare industry continues to evolve from both an
We provide surgical and medical equipment for everything that is needed in a pre-operative care, post-operative care, and surgical care enviroment. We have years of experience required to help with all your equipment needs for every aspect of a surgical facility. Insight will help you plan your equipment requests and then deliver top quality refurbished
Doc's Medical Equipment Repair Shop repairs medical equipment and podiatry equipment in the metro Phoenix, AZ area. Locally, in the Phoenix area you can drop off your medical equipment for repair at our repair shop or you can call us for service in your office. Nationally, you can send in your equipment for evaluation and medical repair.
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