Friend Linda MFCC-State Lic
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My joy as a therapist of 40-plus years is in facilitating opening of the heart and the subsequent unfolding into the deep recesses of one's true inner being, the human soul, with all its loving and creative potential. Childhood neglect and or abuse, adult losses, addictions, grief, and trauma, when understood with compassion, begin to open our hearts.

Love, joy, creativity, spontaneity, curiosity, and enthusiasm about life are often compromised when one has not experienced sufficient openhearted acceptance, particularly in the formative years of childhood. Our hearts and souls contract and we develop defense mechanisms which allow us to function and to cope, but all too often, paradoxically, also keep at bay our deepest dreams and longings.
Qigong meditation is an antidote to depression, anxiety, fear, worry, obsessive thoughts, sleeplessness, and many other symptoms. Many people suffer these symptoms as a result of their personal history. In this day and age there is also much angst because of the economy, the political situation, ecological issues, and the rapid changes technology brings to our daily lives.
We are all challenged not to give into a sense of isolation and fear, but to step through the opening that the "tearing down" time has created into a deeper sense of trust and belonging, That is a big challenge, when collectively we have been triggered into fears for the future and dark imaginings reminiscent for many of earlier personal traumas in our lives.
PTSD is a disorder where one has a delayed reaction to extreme stress that was too hard to bear at the time it occurred. Some PTSD symptoms are: anxiety, sleeplessness, heart palpations, overreacting, irritability, excessive worry, a sense of doom, loss of interest in normal events, emotional numbing, and flashbacks to traumatic events.
Reviews (3)
August West
August West
Sep 26, 2021
I would strongly caution anyone attempting to receive counseling from Linda to beware. I would describe her as ineffective, dishonest, manipulative, and highly unethical. Her goal is your money, and she will gaslight you into thinking need multiple weekly sessions ($$$) with her. She only knows how to parrot basic psychological concepts, and has a limited understanding of them…and definitely no clue how to implement them with her patients. Her credentials state that she is a MFT, but she doesn’t have a history of successful relationships in her own life. She has a “Virgin Mary” complex
David Hauser
David Hauser
Apr 25, 2021
My experiences over the years working in sessions with Linda has enabled me to pry out lost memories from my unconscious self and sort out those dark feelings they emanated. Although this inner work requires emotionally difficult effort, with Linda's excellent guidance, her empathy, and a sense of containment within her therapeutic structure - I have better come to understand myself. These days I interact with others both on a professional as well as personal level with greater clarity, have a stronger sense of self, and have learned how to handle the outer world with less trepidation.
Janeen Murray
Janeen Murray
Apr 16, 2021
Linda is an extraordinarily insightful, intelligent, empathetic, sensitive, powerful and wise professional.