Christ Lutheran School
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Christ Lutheran School
Students have regular opportunities to learn about Jesus Christ and all he has done for them as their personal Lord and Savior. It is our prayer that our students hear and believe that salvation comes by grace through faith, knowing that Jesus died for their sins and promises them eternal life in heaven.

Students are encouraged to apply God's standard to their own actions, behaviors, and attitudes and are taught and encouraged to live out their faith in meaningful ways. Students are nurtured in an environment which extends forgiveness and, in turn, are taught the importance of extending God's grace to others.
Christ Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, athletic, and other school administered programs. Upon receiving and completing an application and prior to admission, the administration will review transcripts and evaluations and will contact prior schools and references.
To further develop the skills learned in our Physical Education program, the after school sports program allows students from grades 5-8 to compete in a variety of sports, within the Catholic Youth Athletic Association. For boys, we offer football, basketball and baseball. Girls may participate in volleyball, softball and basketball.
At CLS, we believe that fitness and health are important for students of all ages. It is the focus of our PE program to develop students who become physically literate individuals, possessing the knowledge and skills necessary to lead a physically active life not only today, but beyond their time at our school.
For students that have an interest in further developing their musical skills, handbell and vocal choirs provide that opportunity. Reading music, playing and breathing techniques and showmanship are all skills that are developed within this program. Students are given a foundation in the lower grades by being exposed to handbells and vocal arrangements before acceptance into performing groups.
CLS continues to develop and enhance our technology program which includes 1:1 Chromebooks for students in grades 3-8, as well as classroom sets of Chromebooks on carts for students in K-2. In addition, there are interactive white boards in grades 4-8. Each classroom is fitted with a speaker system, which allows each student, regardless of where they sit or the teacher is standing to clearly hear the presentation.
Reviews (5)
Chrissy M. B.
Chrissy M. B.
Dec 11, 2018
I decided to post my opinion about CLS because I noticed an unkind review. My children started at CLS this year and they are in middle school. The education is top notch, they do prepare your children for high school. Ms. Weber is the middle school teacher for social studies and she is amazing. My children are learning the Articles of the Constitution right now. She brings history to life. During the first week of school at CLS they did a lot of team building activities and it brought the students together, from that moment on my children had friends. The kids are great and I have not seen
Mike T.
Mike T.
Sep 13, 2018
Campus is beautiful. Church gives the uplift needed. Math teachers, having problems in the past, have been given smaller classes and I urge parents to pay for tutorial services for an extra leg up. Teachers are not part of the RedForEd movement so they're doing this out of love & religious conviction that each student deserves better than one size fits all public school. Get involved. Your responsibility does no start and end at dropping of and picking up your child. See if you can volunteer especially for the younger age groups. Bullying happens when parents aren't in the hallways
Jennifer P.
Jennifer P.
May 06, 2016
We moved here from out of state and are so blessed to have found this school for my daughter. She is being challenged academically , the teachers and staff are genuinely caring, the availability of art/music/PE/sports is a breath of fresh air. She has grown in her faith and knowledge of the love of God over the past year, and is being taught to reach out to others in service. She has made close friendships. While I'm sure most people won't pick a school because of it's Yelp reviews, I'm going to take the time to give my honest opinion. There's a reason this school is big
Victoria P.
Victoria P.
Feb 04, 2016
We are Super grateful for being able to be part of CLS. My oldest son was in a well known accelerated program in PV school district and to say it lightly that was a hot mess. I went to the tour at CLS and was so amazed that I asked my Mom " are we being Punked?" From the piano music coming out of the chapel to the specialized attention and care my boys receive I couldn't be more thrilled. My oldest son is a bit ahead of his grade in some areas but his teacher went out of her way to create a secondary curriculum for him in these areas so that he stays challenged and excited. The
Ann L.
Ann L.
Oct 16, 2014
The only thing good about this school is that it's Christ based learning. Unfortunately, they faculty was way too intertwined... I dare you to go in and ask how everyone is related. There is a reason why nepotism is frowned upon! They are there to protect each other and the kids suffer from it. They have also had a lot of families leave due to bullying. They simply say to have thick skin.
They also spend half of their time raising funds for new buildings. They grew too fast and had the kids have to carry a locker worth of supplies with them for half the year until the new building was completed