The Region 3 Healthcare Coalition strives to be the agency promoting the coordination of an "All Hazards" emergency healthcare preparedness program that collaborates and coordinates not just hospital, EMS and other health providers but actively works to promote a strong interagency emergency response and coordination which includes Tribal, Emergency Management and Public Health partners in order to provide leadership and expertise to the region through healthcare facility planning, prevention, response, and recovery efforts.
Michigan's Region 3 Healthcare Coalition (HCC) was established in 2002 to ensure statewide readiness and inter-agency collaboration to respond to medical and public health emergencies. We are one of eight coalitions in Michigan, and work in concert with all Michigan coalitions to meet the deliverables identified by state and federal guidelines.
Maintain a global approach to healthcare preparedness that includes all partners, both healthcare and others in an All Hazards, team based approach. Promote a proactive approach to preparedness and emergency response including public, private and non-governmental organizations. Develop a heightened awareness of potential threats and prepare preemptive responses so as to mitigate impact on our Region and the State.
Regional Coalition Planning Board meet monthly, its Executive Committee meets when necessary. The Regional Advisory Committee also meets monthly and provides recommendations for projects and programs to the Board, conference calls are held as necessary. Meetings convened and facilitated by coalition chairpersons who are elected annually from membership based on adopted bylaws that outline eligibility.
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