Do you find yourself rescheduling your dental appointment, avoiding the dentist because you're anxious? At Irvine Family Dentistry in Kentucky, we understand the anxiety our patients feel, and we go above and beyond to make your experience the best it can be. Trusting us with your oral health ensures you'll receive the comprehensive care you deserve.
By making preventative care a part of your health care plan, you can have the peace of mind knowing that you're taking care of yourself. One of the most important aspects in maintaining oral hygiene is regularly scheduled teeth cleanings. Routine cleanings allow us to closely monitor your teeth and gums, noticing any changes in order to catch and prevent problems.
By making preventative care a part of your health care plan, you can have the peace of mind knowing that you're taking care of yourself. One of the most important aspects in maintaining oral hygiene is regularly scheduled teeth cleanings. Routine cleanings allow us to closely monitor your teeth and gums, noticing any changes in order to catch and prevent problems.