Mosi K. Jack, LL.M. is the official DC Metro area representative and training group leader for FCS Kali. As the logo shows, Filipino Combat Systems is made up of Kali, Arnis, Escrima, and Sikaran. FCS Kali is a combat-oriented systems that involves edged weapons, we provide a safe environment for learning w/o sacrificing realism in our training. We teach in small semi-private groups, allowing each individual student to progress as quickly as he or she can absorb the info being taught.
Founded by Tuhon Ray Dionaldo, Filipino Combat Systems is an organization dedicated the preservation and promotion of all Filipino Martial Arts. Filipino Combat Systems(FCS) is an organization/system with members from around the world. FCS is based on Tuhon Ray Dionaldo's over 35 years of practicing various FMA (Filipino Martial Arts) styles from Pekiti Tirsia, Modern Arnis, Sayoc Kali, and many more.
FCS Kali is highly modular art as developed by Tuhon Ray and taught by Regional Instructor Mosi--all of the techniques we practice: stick, knife, sword and empty hand are all interconnected--everything you learn for one medium is transferable to the others. The group is dedicated, welcoming and mutually supportive.
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