Once you experience the benefits of massage, you soon realize massage therapy is an essential part of your self-care rather than a luxury. Whether your challenges are new or chronic, massage has been utilized around the world for centuries as a way to balance the body, relax the mind, and prevent those chronic areas of discomfort from disrupting your life.
I have been seeing Jodi for massage for the past 5 years. She has brought much healing to my body. I have been in 3 different accidents over the years and if it weren't for her massage techniques, I would still be in pain. The motion of her hands is much like the waves of the ocean. I have been an AMTA member and nationally certified massage therapist since 1994.
I have been seeing Jodi for massage for the past 5 years. She has brought much healing to my body. I have been in 3 different accidents over the years and if it weren't for her massage techniques, I would still be in pain. The motion of her hands is much like the waves of the ocean. I have been an AMTA member and nationally certified massage therapist since 1994.