Life often provides many challenges that make it difficult to live the life we imagined and to have healthy, happy relationships. Is your marriage or relationship on the right track? Or do you feel stuck, frustrated, flabbergasted, angry, sad, worn down, defensive, tired, or lonely? Do you feel like you are losing yourself?
Maybe you recognize that changes need to be made and you are searching for someone to assist you on this path of change. Or maybe you aren't happy with your present situation but not sure about what the next step would look like or even if it's worth taking? Many private and group practitioners are generalists (like your family doctor) who see a wide variety of individuals, couples, and families and presenting issues.
Maybe you recognize that changes need to be made and you are searching for someone to assist you on this path of change. Or maybe you aren't happy with your present situation but not sure about what the next step would look like or even if it's worth taking? Many private and group practitioners are generalists (like your family doctor) who see a wide variety of individuals, couples, and families and presenting issues.
I am a graduate of the Marriage and Family Therapy program at Kansas State University. I have broad experience working with couples, families, and individuals. I believe that strong relationships are the foundation for a thriving life but for a variety of reasons, life sometimes gets in the way of thriving.
Our relationships can be a great source of strength, but they can also cause pain and heartache. Whether you currently feel committed to building a better relationship, ambivalent about the future of your relationship, or fear that your relationship is on the brink of collapse-we can help. Most couples in marriages and long-term relationships struggle with sexual issues at some point.
Our social relationships and, specifically, the quality and stability of our intimate relationships have the greatest impact on our life happiness and personal well-being. But, you already know this, you don't need the research to tell you what you know to be true in your own life. That is why you are here.
The staff at Kansas City Relationship Institute are licensed Couples Therapists and Marriage Counselors. Our clients live and work in all parts of the greater Kansas City area, including Leawood, Overland Park, Olathe, Johnson County, Brookside, Fairway, Westwood, Lee's Summit, Independence, Raytown, Blue Springs, Liberty, and Grain Valley.
Reviews (7)
E. M.
Nov 29, 2021
This facility never answers the phone or responds to email, voicemails & etc. This is very unprofessional & unreliable. You’re in a delicate industry & clients should be able to make an appointment. I thought I found a good match when I found Cynthia Wright & was relieved to think we could begin our new, necessary journey. I was wrong. I’ve lost track of how long I’ve tried to contact this facility.
Nellie Partin
Oct 22, 2021
Ronnie Mills
Oct 18, 2021
B. Leap Squid'S.
Jan 07, 2020
The woman of my dreams and I have been seeing Sally for months, sometimes twice a month to work through things from our past relationships, sometimes our own relationship blocks, and learn how to better communicate with each other. Sally has the ability to help us hear each other unlike we can on our own. I think relationship counseling and seeing Sally has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Thank you!
Adriatik Likcani
May 22, 2019
Brianna Craig
Dec 25, 2018
Sally is an amazing therapist. She provides a safe and secure therapeutic environment for clients, and displays genuine care and support through her interventions. She addresses relevant topics that clients bring in and works with them in a collaborative manner to aid them in meeting their therapeutic goals. In her work with couples, Sally helps increase intimacy and connectedness within the relationship, while also challenging each parter to grow and develop individually. Sally attends to cultural dynamics at play within each client's context, and tailors treatment to meet their individualized
Jimmy Bridges
Dec 08, 2018
I highly recommend The Kansas City Relationship Institute as a resource for couples in distress. They have incredibly competent therapists. I personally have worked and trained with Sally Hodges and see her as one of the best couples therapists I know. From my observation, Sally's main strengths are her abilities to express care, warmth, and transparency with all of her clients. Sally is exceptionally observant and guides clients towards greater self awareness. She cares deeply about relationships. She is committed to finding ways to strengthen clients' relationships so they find new meaning in