Recommended for: Low Back Pain Neck Pain Sciatica Joint Pain TMJ Headache Allergies Depression And more. Following a health history intake and assessment you will receive a Chinese medicine diagnosis and appropriate treatments. The initial visit typically lasts an hour and a half. Very thin needles and/or finger pressure is used at specific points on the body to treat pain and other ailments.
Personally tailored formulas are used from the over 2,000 years tradition of combining herbs in China. These traditional Chinese medical massage techniques use tissue and joint mobilization to treat pain and dysfunction and speed recovery from injury.
Personally tailored formulas are used from the over 2,000 years tradition of combining herbs in China. These traditional Chinese medical massage techniques use tissue and joint mobilization to treat pain and dysfunction and speed recovery from injury.
Nile attended Naturopathic medical school at Bastyr University in Washington state. After deciding to specialize in Chinese Medicine he graduated from the Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine in 2012. The Seattle Institute nurtured a passion for discovering the many ways Acupuncture, traditional Chinese Herb combinations, and Tui-Na bodywork can promote and maintain health.
Community Acupuncture Clinics are a wonderful way to bring the power and efficacy of acupuncture to a broader clientele by using an overlapping appointment model and treating individuals together in the same room. After an initial health interview consultation, acupoints are selected based on your individual needs.
Acupuncture is one modality of Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture is the use of thin, sterile, needles inserted into specific points on your body to help correct the flow of your body's energetic systems, or Qi. When the Qi flows freely without blockage we are in a state of health and balance; when the Qi becomes blocked we feel out of balance or in pain.
Here at BRCCM, our licensed acupuncturists work with a variety of traditional Chinese herbs, sourced directly from reputable Chinese herb dealers. Formulated specifically for each individual client or as pre-mixed formulas, these herbs have a tradition of over 2,000 years of practical application and use, with numerous scientific studies recently backing up what practitioners have been taught for generations.