R. R. Cortazzo is a locally owned family business operation. Frank Cortazzo initially started the company in 1940. At that time, it was a coal company in Wind Gap, Pennsylvania. He had two trucks and delivered various types of coal to homes and businesses in the Slate Belt area. In 1946, after World War II ended, Frank bought an army surplus tanker and installed it on a Dodge truck chassis.
He equipped it to deliver fuel oil and ventured into the oil business. After a few years of distributing both coal and oil, Frank decided to sell the coal division of the business. From that point on, he delivered only fuel oil and the business grew quickly. The 1970's were a challenging time for fuel distributors.
He equipped it to deliver fuel oil and ventured into the oil business. After a few years of distributing both coal and oil, Frank decided to sell the coal division of the business. From that point on, he delivered only fuel oil and the business grew quickly. The 1970's were a challenging time for fuel distributors.
With automatic delivery, there's no worrying about checking your gauge or unexpectedly running out of oil. Our petroleum products are top quality major brands sold at the most competitive prices possible. Whether it's your home or business we'll make sure you're supplied with the cleanest, high quality #2 fuel oil that's available.
We sell top quality major brand products distributed by the Buckeye Energy pipelines of the Lehigh Valley. By having a unique optimum method of distributing fuels that has been in place for decades. This keeps our prices low and saves you, the consumer, dollars. Keep in mind, one of the most difficult tasks of this industry is dealing with inclement weather.