We treat neck and back stiffness and pain, arthritis, migraines, women's disorders, male and female infertility, skin disease, allergies, fatigue, insomnia, sports injuries, and much more. See conditions treated for more info. Or, if you just want to receive acupuncture to relieve stress, enhance athletic performance, or maintain good health and wellness, we can also help!
For optimal results, you should first obtain a medical diagnosis of your health problem from your doctor. Your acupuncturist may need to communicate with your doctor for collaborative care of your unique health condition.
For optimal results, you should first obtain a medical diagnosis of your health problem from your doctor. Your acupuncturist may need to communicate with your doctor for collaborative care of your unique health condition.
We use classical healing techniques to promote health without the unwanted side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. Chinese medicine and homeopathy used to treat the symptoms of disease as well as prevent them. Actually, these systems of healing do not actually treat disease - they treat the person, meaning that they seek to restore balance to the body so that the body can resolve the disease on its own.
A detailed schedule of all service fees, including billed fees, is available upon request. Veterans receive full coverage through the VA if they request prior authorization from the VA (call 866-606-8198 for assistance). If you want to receive acupuncture at this office, request to be seen at Oahu Acupuncture and Herbs by Mei Li and the VA will authorize it.
The first visit will be approximately 90 minutes. Return visits are typically 45 minutes, but can sometimes last up to one hour, depending on the treatment required. This helps save time so we can spend more time on your examination and treatment during your visit. If you don't have a printer, please come ten minutes early to fill out the forms.
Moxibustion is the burning of an herb called mugwort, rolled up into a cigar-like stick, and held close to the skin at appropriate acupuncture points. This is an original artwork by Mei Li. It is an abstract portrayal of the effects of Chinese medical treatment -- energetic binds and knots in the body being freed, giving way to better circulation of energy, freedom from disease, and increased well-being.
I would like to take this time to thank my acupuncturist Mei Li at Oahu Acupuncture and Herbs for being one of the professionals that are currently using their expertise in medicine to save my life. Acupuncture has never been a part of my life and after seeing Mei for 6 months I can't ever see my life without acupuncture.
Reviews (1)
Allison Bohnhoff
Feb 27, 2021
Mei is nothing but wonderful. I've been deal with a lot of chronic migraines (daily) and anxiety and depression and most days I'm in a lot of pain from the moment I wake up that only get worse throughout the day. Most health practitioners don't do much to help, but I immediately felt heard by Mei and she could tell exactly where my chronic pains act up and I could feel actual change in my body during the appointment. Although one appointment won't fix all my problems, I left feeling better than I have in weeks and hopeful that I actually found something that worked!