Access 100% ALL commercial real estate listings from every major commercial MLS, including off-market deals. Submit a search request and receive a fully-comprehensive report with every commercial property listing that matches your requirements. Buildings can improve overall productivity and performance by as much as 12.5% or reduce them by as much as 17%.
The VoitWorks Group provides best-in-class commercial real estate services and tenant representation services for office space tenants and occupiers. Need to get out of your lease? List your office space with VoitWorks and we'll sublease, assign or even terminate your lease, so you can realign your office space with your business plan.
The VoitWorks Group provides best-in-class commercial real estate services and tenant representation services for office space tenants and occupiers. Need to get out of your lease? List your office space with VoitWorks and we'll sublease, assign or even terminate your lease, so you can realign your office space with your business plan.
Orange County Commercial Real Estate Brokers & Advisors for Commercial Tenants and Owner Occupiers, powered by Voit Real Estate Services. The way we work is changing fast, and so is the workplace around us. The real estate decisions you make today are more likely than ever to affect the future success of your business.
Buy and sell commercial real estate. Southern California non-institutional buyer/seller investment sales representation and consulting across all asset types. Need to get out of your lease? List your office space with VoitWorks and we'll sublease, assign or even terminate your lease, so you can realign your office space with your business plan.
Orange County commercial real estate listings from every major commercial MLS, including off-market deals. Submit a search request and receive a fully-comprehensive report with every Orange County commercial property listing that matches your requirements. Search all coworking centers, shared office space, executive suite, and virtual office listings.