Greenwood Environmental is comprised of a team of environmental and industry experts. We are dedicated to providing innovative and cost-effective solutions for firms required to offset their emissions as part of SCAQMD Rule 2202 Compliance. We are a complete, one-stop solution for companies using the Emission Reduction (ERS) Strategy to comply with Rule 2202 on a yearly basis.

We create value orientated environmental solutions to cost-effectively reduce a firm's emissions footprint. We provide education, analysis and solutions for federal, state and local environmental emissions requirements. Adopted in 1995, the objective of the South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD) Rule 2202 program is to reduce mobile source emissions generated from employee commute trips.
We are dedicated to providing innovative and cost-effective solutions for firms required to offset their emissions as part of SCAQMD Rule 2202 Compliance. In his role as General Partner Mr. Hammond is responsible for strategic decision making, vision and future growth and performance at Greenwood Environmental.
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