Spirit Gate Acupuncture is committed to providing the highest level of care and support to every patient that walks through the door. Unlike Western medicine which attempts to isolate and separate a disease from a person, Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the body as a whole, emphasizing a holistic approach, balancing body, mind and spirit.
Whether a person is coming in for disease prevention, stress relief, pain management or for more difficult chronic conditions, acupuncture's integrated approach has much to offer. I welcome you to explore the website to gather more information about acupuncture and the services offered at Spirit Gate.
Whether a person is coming in for disease prevention, stress relief, pain management or for more difficult chronic conditions, acupuncture's integrated approach has much to offer. I welcome you to explore the website to gather more information about acupuncture and the services offered at Spirit Gate.
Acupuncture is a safe and effective holistic medicine backed by more than two thousand years of practice and research. The acupuncturist inserts very fine needles into specified points along meridian pathways to influence and restore balance to the flow of qi. Acupuncture is practiced worldwide both as a primary and adjunctive treatment for a wide range of conditions.
Tom Dorn is a licensed acupuncturist, in Wayne Pennsylvania, who specializes in the 5 Element, Master Tung and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) styles of acupuncture. After obtaining a Masters in Acupuncture from the Won Institute of Graduate Studies he went on to become a Diplomat in Acupuncture Dipl.
Reviews (2)
Ed H.
Sep 17, 2018
Jim Cowen
May 28, 2017
When I went to see Tom for my first treatment things in my life were in a messy state and my nerves were shot; and the thought of someone sticking needles into my body didn’t help any of this. Much to my surprise, the treatment itself was extremely tranquil. I could hardly feel the needles go in and no pain was felt, even though I had always associated needles with discomfort! This was thanks to Tom, who made the whole experience a comfortable one. He has a natural calming demeanor, which leads to a therapeutic yet comforting session. I left feeling the most refreshed and relaxed I had in months