Jenn Keys Acupuncture & Herbal Prescriptions
When I was in Acupuncture School I was hit by a drunk driver while I was riding my motorcycle. My leg was badly broken, and I was on crutches for 8 months. It was pretty rough, but I gained a unique perspective on how and what it takes to recover after a debilitating injury. I was fortunate for the generosity of my teachers and peers, they all reached out to offer me help and treatment.

I would not have been able to heal as well without them. I cannot overstate how much Acupuncture and Herbs helped me and inspired me to help others. Having this experience showed me how powerful Chinese Medicine can be, and what it takes to help others with their healing whether it be from a traumatic injury, acute or chronic pain, or any number of other conditions.
Companies are increasingly incorporating wellness programs for their employees, On-site acupuncture is a fantastic addition to your corporate wellness program. Acupuncture has been shown to dramatically reduce stress and anxiety, reduce pain and inflammation, and boost immunity. And that's only the beginning.
And then I came into contact with Jenn. With Jenn there was no translation needed - she just got it right away. Jenn's intuitive sense is very strong but her manner is unassuming so I was a bit surprised by how quickly she honed in on my psycho-spiritual needs as well as my direct physical needs. Wow.
Reviews (1)
C. Q.
C. Q.
Dec 04, 2019
I love Jenn! I’ll walk in with whatever I’m dealing with health wise and she not only focuses on the issues at hand, she also is mindful of my long term health goals. I leave each session feeling better and relaxed.