Environmental & Turf Services (ETS) is an interdisciplinary firm with extensive collective experience working with agriculture, turf, golf courses, firing ranges, and hazardous site investigations. Since that time, ETS has maintained a small, tight-knit team of highly trained professionals. The ETS team has worked on projects from Massachusetts to Hawaii, and many points in between.
ETS' services of providing scientific assistance and expert testimony have been beneficial in assisting companies that are doing their best to comply with increasing regulatory demands. ETS also provides technical assistance to municipalities in the review of technical documents for proposed developments.
ETS' services of providing scientific assistance and expert testimony have been beneficial in assisting companies that are doing their best to comply with increasing regulatory demands. ETS also provides technical assistance to municipalities in the review of technical documents for proposed developments.
ETS is an environmental and agronomic service company dedicated to aiding the design and management of environmentally sound golf courses. This is accomplished through three types of programs: Integrated Golf Course Management Plans, water quality risk assessments, and water quality monitoring. In addition to these three services, we also offer mitigation options and recommendations.
We are an interdisciplinary consulting firm specializing in the fields of risk assessment, risk management using Best Management Practices (BMPs), and environmental monitoring. We have worked on projects from Massachusetts to Hawaii, and points in between, including a frequently-cited, pioneering assessment of lead contamination and management for the Pikesville Sportsmen's Club (Maryland) in 1991.
Environmental & Turf Services can help you in several different aspects of environmental fate and risk assessment pursuant to TSCA. Generally, we can assist with TSCA Tier 1 (screening-level) and Tier 2 assessments of water quality and waste disposal impacts.
We have specific expertise with E-FAST (Exposure and Fate Assessment Screening Tool) and its Probabilistic Dilution Model (PDM), ECOSAR (eco-tox predictions), EPI Suite (Estimation Program Interface Suite), AMEM (ADL Polymer Migration Estimation Model), the PBT Profiler (see main TSCA page), ChemSTEER (Chemical Screening Tool for Exposures and Environmental Releases), the OECD Toolbox, and related scientific assessments of chemicals targeted in the context of PBT assessments.
We have specific expertise with E-FAST (Exposure and Fate Assessment Screening Tool) and its Probabilistic Dilution Model (PDM), ECOSAR (eco-tox predictions), EPI Suite (Estimation Program Interface Suite), AMEM (ADL Polymer Migration Estimation Model), the PBT Profiler (see main TSCA page), ChemSTEER (Chemical Screening Tool for Exposures and Environmental Releases), the OECD Toolbox, and related scientific assessments of chemicals targeted in the context of PBT assessments.
We Provide Experienced Environmental Expert Witness Testimony For Our Clients Across the United States. Environmental & Turf Services has the experience necessary to provide solid expert witness testimony. Our staff has testified numerous times before Congress, state and local agencies, in trials, and before zoning and planning commissions.
Environmental & Turf Services, Inc. has partnered with Andy Staples, president of Staples Golf, to create our own joint program called CARBONSAVE for golf. His firm is the leading authority of golf course energy efficiency, with a particular focus on irrigation. Our research suggests that over 60% of a course's footprint can be attributed to energy use.
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