Our philosophy of caring guides McPeak's Assisted Living to provide outstanding service based on the belief that it is a community responsibility to preserve the health, safety, comfort and general welfare of the elderly and infirm, who may be suffering from loneliness, anxiety or lack of attention.
All at one-third the cost of a typical Long Island, New York assisted living facility. You also enjoy freedom from housekeeping chores and worries. There is no need to shop, cook and clean, day in and day out. You can be assured of a secure way of life, safe from harm and the dangers of living alone in today's unsettled society.
All at one-third the cost of a typical Long Island, New York assisted living facility. You also enjoy freedom from housekeeping chores and worries. There is no need to shop, cook and clean, day in and day out. You can be assured of a secure way of life, safe from harm and the dangers of living alone in today's unsettled society.
Our philosophy of caring guides McPeak's Assisted Living to provide outstanding service based on the belief that it is a community responsibility to preserve the health, safety, comfort and general welfare of the elderly and infirm, who may be suffering from loneliness, anxiety or lack of attention.
Programs to Increase Awareness for those with Cognitive Impairments, such as Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia. If a comforting, homelike setting is important to you, plus friendly, personal assistance with your daily activities and chores, our Suffolk County, New York assisted living facility offers it all.
Residents live in a comfortable homelike setting in a former mansion that has been updated to include numerous modern amenities. We believe that it is a community responsibility to preserve the health, safety, comfort and general welfare of the elderly. Our small intimate dining area is perfect for sharing meals and warm conversation with friends.