This is a question that we hear on occasion at our pediatric dental office. If parents do not ask us, we know that they are at least thinking it, or asking each other. The dental answer, while not as obvious as it would seem, deals with spacing issues, bite collapse, and possibly pain with extraction.
The real answer in our office, for our patients is quite different- which is what makes us very different. Dr Rich (Shulman) and his team feel that yes, they ARE baby teeth, and we TRY NOT to do aggressive treatment if we feel that a tooth has the possibility of falling out before it starts to hurt, or if it is not strategic for space maintenance.
The real answer in our office, for our patients is quite different- which is what makes us very different. Dr Rich (Shulman) and his team feel that yes, they ARE baby teeth, and we TRY NOT to do aggressive treatment if we feel that a tooth has the possibility of falling out before it starts to hurt, or if it is not strategic for space maintenance.
When I was learning how to treat children in my residency at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, I learned how to "fill a tooth". That was in 1991. In my 30 years of treating children, I learned when and why I SHOULD NOT to do a filling. Through my years, I have learned that some type of treatment has a very low clinical success rate.
There is nothing more important to a person's self-esteem than a smile he or she can be proud of showing. At our office, that's our focus and our mission. Parents often ask me, "Does my child really need braces?" Believe it or not, my answer to them is usually no. They do not need braces, but the benefits of having straight teeth and a healthy smile throughout a lifetime are immeasurable and should make it a priority.
Your answers are electronically forwarded directly to us, allowing us to expedite your registration and (if applicable) insurance process. Since Dr. Chris Miller provides orthodontic treatment for both children and adults, please let us know who is being seen. If you answer "YES", please be sure that you carry DENTAL insurance, and the information you provide is for your dental policy.