Needles of Hope is an alternative medicine clinic offering a unique blend of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, frequency medicine and functional neurology for the treatment of pain and neurological disorders.
Acupuncture (classical, neuro-acupuncture, ear acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, Acunova for degenerative eye disorders) - The Ancients 3,000 years ago, implicitly understood how stimulating "neural nodes" or acupuncture points with very thin needles, could affect both our central and peripheral nervous systems.Frequency Medicine - Albert Einstein said it the best: "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies."
Acupuncture (classical, neuro-acupuncture, ear acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, Acunova for degenerative eye disorders) - The Ancients 3,000 years ago, implicitly understood how stimulating "neural nodes" or acupuncture points with very thin needles, could affect both our central and peripheral nervous systems.Frequency Medicine - Albert Einstein said it the best: "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies."
Needles of Hope is a Chinese medicine clinic specializing in pain management and neurological rehabilitation. Our purpose is to help your body (and mind) heal itself, in a safe, effective, natural and drug-free way. We strive to provide a blend of proven classical Chinese Medicine practices with cutting-edge modern advancements, and are committed to your treatment being successful.
Pain can make life unbearable. Daily pain, whether from a recent injury or from chronic aches and pains, is not normal regardless of age. If you've finding your everyday activities to be difficult or impossible because of pain, come and see us. Our clinic offers a modern neuroscience approach to utlizing acupuncture together with cutting-edge, applied clinical neuroscience for the treatment of pain.
Our vision is so important to our human experience, especially since many of our jobs and everyday activities require us to see. We understand how important it is to have good vision, and so at Needles of Hope we offer an alternative, one that doesn't require putting any needles in your eyes!
We use AcuNova (from John Boel in Denmark) together with Chinese acupuncture, various microsystems such as ears, scalp, hands and feet, diet/nutrition and other protocols, depending on the client and the condition being treated.
We use AcuNova (from John Boel in Denmark) together with Chinese acupuncture, various microsystems such as ears, scalp, hands and feet, diet/nutrition and other protocols, depending on the client and the condition being treated.
Acupuncture is an ancient form of needle therapy which is gaining popularity in the Western world. During a treatment, a very thin, disposable, solid, hair-like needle is inserted at specific points of the body. The stimulation of these points can do a number of things, such as trigger the release of natural painkillers, it can promote blood flow, it can relax shortened muscles, it can reduce stress, etc.
Homeostasis refers to the body's ability to regulate its environment and maintain internal balance. All diseases involve a disturbance of homeostasis, and nearly all diseases involve some degree of pain and inflammation. In fact, recent research suggests that many serious conditions like heart disease are caused by chronic inflammation.
Reviews (5)
Gabriel K.
Jul 07, 2021
Kathy is a healer: dedicated, conscientious, and thoughtful. My partner and I both bought a 5-pack of sessions and were grateful for each one. Seeing her every week was one of the highlights of our time in Honolulu. The city had gotten so noisy and busy for us; acupuncture really helped to calm our nervous systems and sleep better. Thank you Kathy!!!
Phaedra L.
Jan 07, 2021
After 9 Months of Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Kathy Sato at Needles of Hope CURED my 12 year old daughter of this debilitating disease IN ONE SESSION. She had been in treatment in L.A. with numerous specialists and on high dosages of medication and had a relapse while in Hawaii. Her work is nothing short of a miracle.
Kathy's expertise in accupuncture combined with Frequency Specific Microcurrent account for the complete reversal of my daughter's excruciating pain. The last time she had CRPS, her foot had atrophied and she was unable to walk for 7 months.
I am profoundly
Kathy's expertise in accupuncture combined with Frequency Specific Microcurrent account for the complete reversal of my daughter's excruciating pain. The last time she had CRPS, her foot had atrophied and she was unable to walk for 7 months.
I am profoundly
Yingwei K.
Dec 19, 2020
I have been having sciatica pain for almost two months. Went to two acupuncturists (old Chinese men) who offered no reliefs. Dr Sato took the pain away with one treatment. Naturally the pain came back the next day but with less severities. I can sleep again at night without waking up every hour in agony. I will continue to see Dr Sato until the pain completely goes away. Dr Sato is empathetic, intelligent, skillful, and her clinic is super clean. Highly recommend. Suggest making appointment ahead of time as she is busy.
Mary L.
Sep 08, 2018
Kathy Sato is first and foremost a gifted healer who has continuously helped me to improve my health over the last 2 1/2 years. She is attentive, caring, and thorough in her holistic approach to wellness. Before each treatment, she always asks about my problem areas and pain levels and then proceeds to treat each one methodically, collectively, and effectively. I tend to store stress and tension in my shoulders, neck, and lower back. After analyzing these problem areas, she correlates the best needles to release stress, optimize my energy meridians, and improve circulation.
Kathy also helps
Kathy also helps
Rachel S.
Aug 17, 2018
Kathy at Needles of Hope is wonderful!! Her knowledge and techniques helped my pain go away instantly, and the benefits of the appointment lingered on well after (days, even weeks) leaving her office! A true wellness experience, highly recommend for anyone desiring pain relief and seeking to balance energy.