We're constantly finding better ways to collect garbage and recyclables while being environmentally conscious. From our 100% Renewable Natural Gas fleet to our ever-expanding recycling programs, we're helping Sunnyvale exceed statewide recycling mandates and create a cleaner environment. Own or manage four or more residential units?
We provide garbage carts & bins and collect your units' garbage and recycling weekly service. Do you manage commercial and/or industrial buildings? Contact us to select your bin sizes and set up your weekly garbage and recycling collection schedule. As a resident of Sunnyvale, you can schedule a bulky item pickup and place two cubic yards of material at the curb.
We provide garbage carts & bins and collect your units' garbage and recycling weekly service. Do you manage commercial and/or industrial buildings? Contact us to select your bin sizes and set up your weekly garbage and recycling collection schedule. As a resident of Sunnyvale, you can schedule a bulky item pickup and place two cubic yards of material at the curb.
Specialty has been servicing the City of Sunnyvale since 1927. In 1993, Bay Counties Waste Services took over the operations as Specialty Solid Waste & Recycling. Specialty's staff is multi-generational, dating all the way back to 1914 when garbage was collected and sorted in open top trucks. We've long since replaced those open top trucks with a fleet of compressed renewable natural gas trucks that run quiet and clean.
Residents receive Garbage/Foodscraps service separating your garbage and food scraps, helping to reach state mandated recycling levels. Tell us what size FoodCycle cart you need and we'll provide a small, medium, large split cart. Set it out on the curb by 7:00 am on your garbage pick-up day. Make sure the cart's arrow is pointing toward the street.
Tape battery terminals and put batteries in a tightly sealed, clear-plastic bag and place the bag on top of your recycling split cart. You can get rid of rechargeable batteries from cellphones, laptops and cordless power tools, button and household batteries. Pour into your Specialty jug, or a non-breakable one-gallon clear container with a screw top lid e.g.
See list below for items we cannot pickup in your cart. If you need to dispose of any of the prohibited materials below, refer to HHW or call the Sunnyvale Recycling center (SMaRT Station(R)) at (408) 299-7300. Properly disposing of your used sharps will help protect your garbage hauler and the environment.
We have a standard formula to determine how many Light Blue (Container recycling) and Dark Blue (Paper recycling) carts each property should have. Of those total cubic yards of garbage and recycling, 20% can be Container and Paper recycling, and 10% can be Cardboard recycling. Quantity and Quality standards apply for Cardboard-only bins.
Reviews (1)
Tim Suh
Dec 28, 2016