Welcome to Inner Strength Acupuncture & Wellness in College Park, MD! We offer care and support for our patients using Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. Acupuncture empowers the patient to take control of their health, observe their body, and make the necessary changes to begin their own healing process.
At our acupuncture clinic in College Park, we will work together to alleviate your pain, insomnia, digestive issues, menstruation problems or infertility, and much more. According to the American Sleep Association (ASA), approximately 50-70 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep disorder.
At our acupuncture clinic in College Park, we will work together to alleviate your pain, insomnia, digestive issues, menstruation problems or infertility, and much more. According to the American Sleep Association (ASA), approximately 50-70 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep disorder.
Practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese medicine have used this noninvasive treatment method to help millions of people become well and stay well. Acupuncture promotes natural healing. It can enhance recuperative power and immunity, support physical and emotional health, and improve overall function and well-being.
According to Chinese medical theory, the symptoms and signs that indicate a Western diagnosis of allergies relate to imbalances in the meridian and Organ Systems of the body. These imbalances may stem from a variety of causes, including stress, poor diet, constitutional weakness, pollutants and environmental toxins.
Acupuncture has been employed as a health care modality for over 5,000 years. Modern science has begun to understand the secrets of this ancient medicine with the support of new studies conducted by leading scientists, hospitals and medical research facilities from all over the world. Today, acupuncture is receiving wide acceptance as a respected, valid and effective form of health care.
Gathering this information enables the practitioner to effectively diagnose and detect any specific imbalances of Qi that may have contributed to a persons health problems. The practitioner can then create a well-structured treatment plan. Once the imbalances of Qi are detected, an acupuncturist will place fine, sterile needles at specific acupoints along meridian pathways.
Some common questions about acupuncture are answered below. Call us if you have other questions or if you are interested in improving your life through acupuncture treatment. Practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese medicine have used this noninvasive medical system to diagnose and help millions of people get well and stay healthy.
Reviews (1)
Max Spitalny
Feb 26, 2021