We are committed to providing the people of the Treasure Valley and surrounding areas with quality and considerate care. We can help you to resolve a wide variety of issues that are affecting your mood, relationships, and daily life. At Treasure Valley Psychological Services, we guarantee you'll have the best experience possible from your initial consultation until the time we help you resolve all your concerns.
At Treasure Valley Psychological Services, we understand that no two brains are alike. That's why we offer a vast array of psychological services to the people of the Treasure Valley. From stress and anxiety to marriage counseling and behavior issues, we'll take care of one of your greatest assets, your mind.
At Treasure Valley Psychological Services, we understand that no two brains are alike. That's why we offer a vast array of psychological services to the people of the Treasure Valley. From stress and anxiety to marriage counseling and behavior issues, we'll take care of one of your greatest assets, your mind.
At Treasure Valley Psychological Services, we guarantee you'll have the best experience possible from your initial consultation until the time we help you resolve all your concerns. Our practice is centrally located here in the Treasure Valley, in Boise, and we currently have one Licensed Clinical Psychologist available to provide psychological services, counseling, therapy, and psychological testing: Ronald B. Tye, Psy.
Currently, I have been providing Pre-Employment examinations for multiple law enforcement agencies. I utilize three psychological assessments that aid in assessing an individual's psychological suitability for a position in the public safety/security field: (1) The Inwald Personality Inventory-2 (IPI-2).
Your initial/first appointment with your provider will be about 45-50 minutes in length. After your initial appointment, we will establish any necessary follow-up appointments, as requested/required by your provider. This may involve setting up a "standing" appointment (same time and day of each week.)
This list is not all inclusive. If you do not see your insurance company on this list, please call the number on the back of your card to verify if we are in network. We offer a sliding fee scale for patients with no insurance and the rate is based on proof of income level and family size. It is your responsibility to know your insurance benefits.
The following links are provided for information that may help you in determining a possible course of action for that particular situation or disorder. These are guidelines only, and not intended as complete therapeutic treatment for the issue.
These articles were published in Nelson's Instructions for Pediatric Patients; By Albert Pomeranz, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Department of Pediatrics, Milwaukee, WI; and Timothy O'Brien, MA, Medical Writer Specializing in the Health Sciences, Chicago, IL.
These articles were published in Nelson's Instructions for Pediatric Patients; By Albert Pomeranz, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Department of Pediatrics, Milwaukee, WI; and Timothy O'Brien, MA, Medical Writer Specializing in the Health Sciences, Chicago, IL.
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