Included in the assembly bill is language that authorizes parents/guardians of students who were enrolled in a high school course during the 2020-21 school year (or students, if 18 years old or older) to request a grade change. Eligible individuals may apply to the student's LEA to change the letter grade on the student transcript to Pass or No Pass.
LEAs are not allowed to limit the number or type of courses eligible for the grade change, and the grade change cannot negatively impact a student's grade point average. CATCH Prep High School parents may use the Grade Change Request Form linked here to request a grade change for their child.
LEAs are not allowed to limit the number or type of courses eligible for the grade change, and the grade change cannot negatively impact a student's grade point average. CATCH Prep High School parents may use the Grade Change Request Form linked here to request a grade change for their child.
The mission of CATCH Prep Charter High School is to provide opportunities for young people in academics, the arts, and technology so that a world of unlimited possibilities await them upon graduating from high school and attending college or starting a career. We serve the urban youth of Los Angeles who come to CATCH with the same dreams and goals as any student in America.
SHOT RECORDS: The State Of California requires that all students have up-to-date shot records on file with their school. TRANSCRIPTS: Current transcripts are required to place students in the appropriate courses on their way to graduation and matriculation to college. Incoming 9th graders may upload a scan or screenshot of their most recent Report Card.
A charter school is a public school that provides instruction in any combination of grades, kindergarten through grade twelve. Parents, teachers, or community members may initiate a charter petition, which is typically presented to and approved by a local school district governing board. The law also allows, under certain circumstances, for county boards of education and the State Board of Education to be charter authorizing entities.
There is nothing more important at CATCH than involving the community in all aspects of our decision-making process. To this end, our governance and Board Meetings are completely open to the public and we welcome feedback and contributions at every step along the way of developing our yearly and long-term goals for the school.
Here at CATCH, we're always interested in meeting teachers and education professionals committed to the same ideals of equity and access that drive our work each and every day. If you want to find out more about working or partnering with CATCH, contact us today and we'll let you know about any upcoming vacancies or opportunities to team up together.