E-Waste (electronic waste), also known as "brown goods, " refers to electronic equipment that is no longer usable or wanted. It encompasses a broad and growing range of electronic devices, including computers, office equipment, televisions (TVs), cellular phones and personal stereos (but not including some household appliances).
We refer to these items as "escrap", which can be recycled rather than dumped into the landfill. Today, when an electronic item breaks or becomes outdated, it is often perceived to be more cost-effective to discard it and replace it with a new, more modern item instead of having it repaired. With technology advancing at an increasing rate, this trend will only increase, and more and more "escrap" could fill up our landfills.
We refer to these items as "escrap", which can be recycled rather than dumped into the landfill. Today, when an electronic item breaks or becomes outdated, it is often perceived to be more cost-effective to discard it and replace it with a new, more modern item instead of having it repaired. With technology advancing at an increasing rate, this trend will only increase, and more and more "escrap" could fill up our landfills.
Tri State Escrap, in a joint effort with Computer Consignments can competitively liquidate excess or replaced assets that are still valuable for reuse in the market or have significant scrap value. We offer asset inspection and valuation to determine a strategic liquidation of your unused goods.
Asset recovery is not only a smart financial move for your business, but it extends the life cycle of your electronics, greatly reducing the environmental impact of the electronics industry itself.Call for details on how we can help your business through the often costly process of asset disposal! Many devices now hold private data, especially computers, phones, tablets, and much more.
Asset recovery is not only a smart financial move for your business, but it extends the life cycle of your electronics, greatly reducing the environmental impact of the electronics industry itself.Call for details on how we can help your business through the often costly process of asset disposal! Many devices now hold private data, especially computers, phones, tablets, and much more.