We prepare our students with the fundamentals of business and entrepreneurship for career-long success in college and the professional world. Real-life challenges and skills are integrated into every subject area, so that BOSS seniors graduate with a Regents diploma, a Career & Technical Education endorsement in Business Management & Entrepreneurship, first-hand experience working with professionals the sports industry, and the ability to handle college-level coursework in each academic area.
BOSS offers two CTE pathways to New York State endorsement in Entrepreneurship and also in General Business Administration, with a major in Sports Management.BOSS is a member of NAF Academy of Finance. BOSS's three pillars are based on the three top attributes that employers say that they look for from their applicants.
BOSS offers two CTE pathways to New York State endorsement in Entrepreneurship and also in General Business Administration, with a major in Sports Management.BOSS is a member of NAF Academy of Finance. BOSS's three pillars are based on the three top attributes that employers say that they look for from their applicants.
As a Career and Technical Education (CTE) school, BOSS reflects New York City's vision of quality, relevant schools preparing students for 21st century standards.
With ten pro sports teams, hundreds of minor league, community, and college athletic programs and venues, countless print, broadcast, and internet media outlets, and thousands of advertisers and sponsors, the city's sports management and media industry offers countless career paths for young people who graduate high school with a foundation in reading and writing, technical business skills, and an understanding of professional conduct.
With ten pro sports teams, hundreds of minor league, community, and college athletic programs and venues, countless print, broadcast, and internet media outlets, and thousands of advertisers and sponsors, the city's sports management and media industry offers countless career paths for young people who graduate high school with a foundation in reading and writing, technical business skills, and an understanding of professional conduct.
Be prepared and punctual. Come to school every day with your appropriate materials and assignments. Be on time to every class. Do not get a reputation for lateness. Your teachers and classmates spend a lot of time preparing for each class, and you have a lot to learn. Don't miss any of it. If you are ever absent, your parents should call or email the Main Office that morning.
The curriculum for English begins this summer with a required reading assignment. You must select and read two books from the lists below. You must also have a reading log for one selected book. All reading logs will be collected by your English teacher at the start of the 2021-22 academic school year.
Application is made through the NYC Department of Education High School Admission process. If you are a student currently attending 8th grade in an NYC public school, you will receive an application from your middle school counselor before the deadline. 9th grade students interested in applying to 10th grade should request an application from their high school guidance counselors before the deadline.
BOSS hires only New York State-certified high school teachers. If you are applying from outside the NYC DOE, you must also complete registration at the DOE New Teacher Finder. Please see the NYC Department of Education's website for Teacher Salary schedule and the United Federation for Teachers (UFT) website for benefits.