Be bold and make a statement with this unforgettable arrangement! The impeccable yellow Asiatic lilies are accented beautifully by the lovely lavender roses, pretty purple carnations, and alluring purple statice, creating a superb bouquet. This arrangement is bound to make an impact! Add some style to their day with the Savannah Style bouquet!
The lovely lavender roses, divine yellow gerberas, radiant pink snapdragons, and charming lavender carnations create an alluring mix of beauty and grace. They'll cherish receiving this eye-catching bouquet! This stunning bouquet sure is sweet! Featuring a dazzling array of pink hydrangeas, lavender mini carnations, white daisy poms, and more, Breathtaking Blush is full of elegance and grace.
The lovely lavender roses, divine yellow gerberas, radiant pink snapdragons, and charming lavender carnations create an alluring mix of beauty and grace. They'll cherish receiving this eye-catching bouquet! This stunning bouquet sure is sweet! Featuring a dazzling array of pink hydrangeas, lavender mini carnations, white daisy poms, and more, Breathtaking Blush is full of elegance and grace.
We're a local Charlevoix, Michigan florist with a lovely variety of fresh flowers and creative gift ideas to suit any style or budget. It is our pleasure to assist you with any local, as well as worldwide deliveries and remember that corporate accounts are always welcome. For your convenience, we offer daily floral delivery to local funeral homes and hospitals.
A delightful treat for the fall season, Bewitching Blossoms is filled with tempting orange gerberas, lavender mini carnations, and blue larkspur. Even though this arrangement has the perfect hints of spook for Halloween, it's great for more than just that. Surprise that person in your life that likes a little boldness!
This vase of brilliant red roses is an elegant and natural way to say, "I love you." Truly a classic for a reason, these dozen roses will turn the romance all the way up! Call our shop or order online today! Remember, some flowers or containers may be substituted depending on current availability. Roses are red and violets are blue and the perfect way to say "I love you!" Take the time to smell the roses with your loved one!
Not sure how to celebrate another fun-filled birthday? Allow us to design a fresh flower arrangement for the one who deserves it the most! It's an intimate gift like no other, and they'll love having a bouquet of flowers to bring their home to life. Give them something that will make their birthday special for more than just one day!
A funeral for a friend or loved one can be difficult, but funeral flowers from PETALS of Charlevoix, MI can help begin the healing process. Funeral flowers provide the opportunity to express how much the departed means to you. Celebrate the life of your loved one with one of the beautiful funeral flower arrangements found here such as: Classic Remembrance Urn, Mixed Flowers Sympathy Tribute or one of our standing sprays.
Reviews (14)
Blake Miller
Dec 14, 2021
Rachel Fields
Dec 05, 2021
Tracy Fischer
Oct 06, 2021
I was referred to Petals by a restaurant across the street, and I'm so happy that I was.
Needed some flowers for a memorial meal for my mother. They made up a wonderful arrangement for her urn and some nice little cubes for along the table. Took the time to ask me what my mother would have liked and it made for a very lovely table.
Needed some flowers for a memorial meal for my mother. They made up a wonderful arrangement for her urn and some nice little cubes for along the table. Took the time to ask me what my mother would have liked and it made for a very lovely table.
Pamela M.
Aug 18, 2021
Alexandra P.
Jul 03, 2021
Seth Thorson
Feb 12, 2021
Robert Gorkiewicz
Jan 30, 2021
Shannon Smith
Nov 18, 2020
Melissa M.
Nov 04, 2019
Taylor Smith
Aug 23, 2019
Kim Richelle
Jul 13, 2018
Kami B.
Jun 14, 2016
Petals have such a wonderfully talented, creative, passionate and cost effective team. We had a bridal shower in Petoskey and the team at Petals put together about 10 pieces for us plus organic greens to lay on the table.
The vases were both tall and short. We gave a bit of guidance as to the feel for the event, but the concepts the team at Petals came up with was way beyond anything we imagined.
The bride to be was beyond thrilled with the look and feel for the event. For a separate event I also had them do a floral head-piece which was also out of this world
I will continue to rave about
The vases were both tall and short. We gave a bit of guidance as to the feel for the event, but the concepts the team at Petals came up with was way beyond anything we imagined.
The bride to be was beyond thrilled with the look and feel for the event. For a separate event I also had them do a floral head-piece which was also out of this world
I will continue to rave about
Mark S.
Mar 12, 2016
Hali S.
Feb 12, 2013
They are amazing! The flowers for the wedding fell through at the last minute, and so I walked in to this place 4 days before the wedding, hoping for the best. Keri, the lady I talked to ( I think she was the owner), emailed me back the next day with everything I needed, lower than the price I quoted her! On the wedding day, everything was beautiful, too, with the exact colors I wanted. They looked better than what I had originally planned on getting, too, so I was beyond thrilled.
Keri was really sweet through the whole thing, too. I was so thrilled with everything.
The reason I came to Petals
Keri was really sweet through the whole thing, too. I was so thrilled with everything.
The reason I came to Petals