This site is the sister The Jewelry Stylist. We are sellers of fine vintage costume jewelry at great price points! From signed pieces to unsigned beauties we provide a wonderful resource of vintage jewels for the collector, covering 130 years of fashion adornment. Please also visit our sister sites: The Jewelry Stylist and The Napier Book.
Throughout this website, we present vintage costume jewelry from such notable designers and manufacturers as Haskell, Monet, Trifari, Napier, Coro, Jomaz and Delizza & Elster. Costume jewelry, one of the hottest and trendiest accessories of the next millennium can be found here.
Throughout this website, we present vintage costume jewelry from such notable designers and manufacturers as Haskell, Monet, Trifari, Napier, Coro, Jomaz and Delizza & Elster. Costume jewelry, one of the hottest and trendiest accessories of the next millennium can be found here.
Shipping expenses for the book are calculated for the continental U.S. only. Books are shipped individually via Flat Rate Medium Priority Mail and cannot be combined with other jewelry purchases. If you would like to purchase a book and have it shipped outside the United States, please write us for purchase information so we may invoice you.
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