Family Restoration and Healing Center, Inc. offers a holistic, multi-generational and family-oriented program of services that includes education, counseling, case-management, and supportive services. Our program, called "360 Wholeness", is a comprehensive whole family effort designed to help low income youth and families navigate health and wellness, family success and youth success.
FRHC does not discriminate based on race, color, religious creed, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or national origin.
FRHC does not discriminate based on race, color, religious creed, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or national origin.
We restore families - mind, body and spirit, through education, counseling, case management and supportive services. Our vision is to increase emotional, physical and spiritual health - one individual, one family, and one community at a time.
Our founders, Kenneth and Karen Thompson have a passion for the family, having spent 10 years as foster parents to over a dozen abused and neglected children, another 10 years as nonprofit business owners servicing homeless families and low income elderly, and yet another 10 years as youth pastors in the Washington metropolitan area.
Our founders, Kenneth and Karen Thompson have a passion for the family, having spent 10 years as foster parents to over a dozen abused and neglected children, another 10 years as nonprofit business owners servicing homeless families and low income elderly, and yet another 10 years as youth pastors in the Washington metropolitan area.
I was unemployed for nearly a year, while trying to prevent homelessness, and deal with issues around family caregiving and marriage. The peer-led sessions changed my life for the better! I can better deal with stress as a minority youth, help peers avoid negative behavior, and help adults understand the severeness of stress on youth!
You will discover a myriad of wellness strategies and practical tools to conquering obstacles and obtaining your total health! This informative, easy to read, strategy and guide book is written for "busy" individuals, just like you. It is a "must have" for anyone who is interested in achieving strategies for mental, emotional, nutritional, physical, social and spiritual holistic health.
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