Metaphysical "Remote" Healing: Energy Healing transcends time and space and is the most potent medicine. Psychic Readings, Life Coaching, Remote Healing & Wellpoint Hypnosis Sessions are available via telephone or online. AromaHealing Sessions will resume in person when permitted. In the meantime, take advantage of Aromatherapy Consultations!
Evening and Weekend Appointments are available upon request. The utilization of energy healing, essential oils therapeutics, spiritual hypnosis and psychic readings take you on an inner journey of transformation to help you release stuck energy, allowing for your awakening into higher consciousness so you may live BEING your TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF.
Evening and Weekend Appointments are available upon request. The utilization of energy healing, essential oils therapeutics, spiritual hypnosis and psychic readings take you on an inner journey of transformation to help you release stuck energy, allowing for your awakening into higher consciousness so you may live BEING your TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF.
In order to connect deeper to your true self, it's important to examine the influences hidden away in some vast resource (time portal) of your mind. Dimensional awareness is a "real thing". Connecting to the quantum realms of your own soul consciousness holds the keys to unlock the doors of all creation.
Wellpoint Spiritual Hypnosis is a normal state of consciousness in which the individual is in a "relaxed" or altered brainwave state which focusses their attention and awareness on a specific directive they have chosen consciously; thereby activating the subconscious and superconscious mind.
Wellpoint Spiritual Hypnosis Method assists you in solving the mystery of your life, connecting you to the desires and intentions of your Soul, and creating lasting change.Wellpoint Hypnosis Method creates a new paradigm in the hypnosis industry. It is considered "Spiritual Hypnosis" guiding you to access your direct connection with the quantum field of your highest Self!.
Wellpoint Spiritual Hypnosis Method assists you in solving the mystery of your life, connecting you to the desires and intentions of your Soul, and creating lasting change.Wellpoint Hypnosis Method creates a new paradigm in the hypnosis industry. It is considered "Spiritual Hypnosis" guiding you to access your direct connection with the quantum field of your highest Self!.
Sound Sync Technologies is a Scientifically proven sound healing technology developed by Ted Winslow.
Ted invented this specialized sound healing music after 25 years of research and development of healing Solfeggio Frequencies, Binaural Beats, Theta Brainwave Technology, layering of frequencies, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, and spherical sound waves which are composed and mastered in a unique way which have a positive affect on the human energy field.
Ted invented this specialized sound healing music after 25 years of research and development of healing Solfeggio Frequencies, Binaural Beats, Theta Brainwave Technology, layering of frequencies, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, and spherical sound waves which are composed and mastered in a unique way which have a positive affect on the human energy field.
Tarot Readings draw from Divine Intelligence and provides information, insights and awareness to all of your questions. Tarot Cards have been around for eons and made popular over the years despite the stigma that has been placed on them from people who simply do not understand they are tools for personal growth, transformation, and spiritual inspiration.
The Destiny Cards are an ancient mystical number system with origins from the times of Atlantis and is said to be brought forth by the Order of the Magi. The Magi were "seers of old" who held the secrets of the Universe and could foretell the future with their understanding of the planets, numbers and symbols.
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