Discover why government agencies and companies of all sizes choose PC Disposal for secure electronics recycling. Shipped to your company, the optional PrivaCage secure equipment cages can easily be rolled from floor to floor, allowing your staff to securely move old equipment to your shipping dock for pickup.
PC Disposal is the first IT disposal company to back its services with a $1,000,000 guarantee! We guarantee that we will completely sanitize or destroy your hard drives before resell or disposal. If your equipment still holds significant value, our IT equipment remarketing division has built multiple channels to quickly get you the best return on your electronic asset investment.
PC Disposal is the first IT disposal company to back its services with a $1,000,000 guarantee! We guarantee that we will completely sanitize or destroy your hard drives before resell or disposal. If your equipment still holds significant value, our IT equipment remarketing division has built multiple channels to quickly get you the best return on your electronic asset investment.
Started in 1998, PC Disposal built its reputation by protecting clients from liability while protecting the environment. PC Disposal is part of a family of technology businesses started in 1989. Kory Bostwick founded PC Disposal in 1998 because he was concerned that there were few environmentally-friendly options for companies who wanted to dispose of the toxic glut of obsolete computers that were filling offices - and ultimately - landfills.
From secure transport cages to a $1,000,000 data removal guarantee, discover why Fortune 500 companies and government agencies have trusted PC Disposal since 1998. This solution adds an extra layer of security and is ideal for companies with highly sensitive data. PC Disposal properly retires computer hardware and takes special steps in the areas of security, legal compliance and accountability.
Introducing the PrivaCage secure equipment container. When you order PC Disposal's Secure Plus Risk Management Disposal service, these cages will be delivered to your location. PrivaCages can easily be rolled from floor to floor and room to room, allowing your staff to securely move old equipment to your shipping dock for pickup by our company.
Find out what some recycling companies really do with your equipment, and discover how PC Disposal is different. To save on shipping fees, many companies will find someone near you to subcontract the work to. They claim the local company will do just as good of a job, but there's no way to police the methods of these small operators in hundreds of towns.
We gathered some of your most commnonly asked questions about computer recycling, electronics recycling and environmentally friendly e-waste disposal. Why should I care what happens to my computers after they've been sent to a computer recycling company? Doesn't my "Certificate of Recycling [or Disposal]" protect me from improper disposal?.
Reviews (1)
David Stricklan
Nov 05, 2020