We help athletes to recover, build strength, train smart, return to play, and perform at the highest level. I help athletes perform at their highest level through guided individual/team training and injury prevention clinics. As an athlete myself, I work to not only keep you healthy and performing at your best, but also guide you through the mindset needed to play at the next level.
Our services include goal setting, one-on-one guided training, injury prevention skills, and regular re-assessments to track your progress. We also offer team and small group training alongside your coaches and trainers to keep everyone on the same page. We offer one-on-one sports rehab & recovery services with our doctor of physical therapy, who specializes in working with athletes.
Our services include goal setting, one-on-one guided training, injury prevention skills, and regular re-assessments to track your progress. We also offer team and small group training alongside your coaches and trainers to keep everyone on the same page. We offer one-on-one sports rehab & recovery services with our doctor of physical therapy, who specializes in working with athletes.
Our services include goal setting, one-on-one guided training, injury prevention skills, and regular re-assessments to track your progress. We also offer team and small group training alongside your coaches and trainers to keep everyone on the same page. We offer one-on-one sports rehab & recovery services with our doctor of physical therapy, who specializes in working with athletes.
Typically done over the phone with a call or Zoom/video call to answer any questions you may have and get to know one another to make sure we are the best fit for you/your team. Scheduled from the consultation, we set aside 1.5 hrs for individuals and 2-3 hrs for a team to go over baseline measurements, complete the Athlete's Total Body Assessment, and discuss goals and a plan to meet them.
Reviews (3)
Gabriel Baerwald
Jun 29, 2021
Three Musketeers
Feb 01, 2021
We love Brandis! She treated my daughter Nelly two years in a row for ankle sprains. My daughter is a volleyball player and needed to get back on court as soon as possible. Brandis definitely helped her get there. The best part is that she traveled either to our home or to the gym where my daughter practiced so a huge time-saver for us. Brandis is very professional, nice, personable, and issued us an invoice that I was able to submit to my insurance to go towards the deductible.
Elinor Avant
Aug 22, 2020