We help athletes to recover, build strength, train smart, return to play, and perform at the highest level. I help athletes perform at their highest level through guided individual/team training and injury prevention clinics. As an athlete myself, I work to not only keep you healthy and performing at your best, but also guide you through the mindset
Gabriel Baerwald —
I see Brandis about once a week for body maintenance. Two weeks ago I sprained my upper back and kept waking up in pain.

(22) (22)
(770) 408-8804
We offer Asian reflexology services from our experienced staff in a clean and relaxing spa environment. Your aches and pains will melt away. We re-balance your entire body through trigger points in your feet, hands and body. We are conveniently located at 2840 East-West Connector, near Powder Spring Rd, in the Regal Plaza by Gold's Gym, Austell GA.
Ne'Kea —
I love mama’a the owners are always pleasant and booking a massage appointment is always quite easy via their website.
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