With nearly two decades of experience editing magazines and books, Sherri Dugger now puts her media and public relations experience to work in the agriculture field. Dugger has served as executive director of both Women, Food and Agriculture Network and Indiana Farmers Union and as a Midwest outreach consultant for Earth justice and a policy and communications consultant for American Grassfed Association.
She co-chairs a national coalition, U.S. Farmers and Ranchers for a Green New Deal. An advocate for local and regional food systems, environmental sustainability, humane animal agriculture, and diversified family farming, she also frequently lobbies at the Indiana Statehouse and on Capitol Hill.
She co-chairs a national coalition, U.S. Farmers and Ranchers for a Green New Deal. An advocate for local and regional food systems, environmental sustainability, humane animal agriculture, and diversified family farming, she also frequently lobbies at the Indiana Statehouse and on Capitol Hill.
Socially Responsible Agriculture Project welcomes two former contract growers to participate in its Contract Grower Transition Program. Diaz and Crutchfield will serve as Regional Representatives through SRAP's newly launched Contract Grower Transition Program, generously funded by American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).
SRAP's programs empower communities to protect themselves from the damages caused by industrial livestock operations and to advocate for a socially responsible food future. We provide free tools, resources, and expert advice to help communities threatened by industrial livestock operations. SRFFN looks beyond the CAFO issue to unite communities with the movement advocating for socially responsible agriculture.
SRAP empowers communities to protect themselves from the devastating public health, environmental, and socioeconomic damages caused by industrial livestock production. For more than 20 years, our team has worked throughout the U.S. to provide free assistance to any community that requests our help when facing the threats posed by factory farms.
SRAP understands the threats community members face when an industrial livestock facility comes to town. We also know the importance and need for organizing to build a better food future. Through tech talks, webinars, action alerts, and agriculture policy briefings, the Socially Responsible Food & Farm Network empowers advocates to unite.
SRAP's collection of tools, resources, and peer-reviewed research can be used to educate the public, inform policymakers, and mobilize communities to protect themselves from the damages caused by industrial livestock operations. These are the articles, studies, videos, and other resources that SRAP uses most often for public education.
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