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(503) 339-8192
25hours was started by ag lawyer and former Oregon legislator Billy Dalto in 2016 because he believed that there's a better way to manage the people side of farming. Bringing insurance, payroll, and HR compliance together as one operation can help farmers and labor contractors better manage risk and run their business more efficiently.
Jenny D. —
Helps farm labor contractors and other agricultural businesses with insurance, payroll, and HR compliance. Great services
Oregon Agriculture Chemicals & Fertilizer Association is a non-profit organization whose primary purpose is to promote the safe use of agricultural chemicals and fertilizer products and to advocate on behalf of those involved with the manufacture, sale, and application of these products.
OACFA's goals include providing educational programs to users
With nearly two decades of experience editing magazines and books, Sherri Dugger now puts her media and public relations experience to work in the agriculture field. Dugger has served as executive director of both Women, Food and Agriculture Network and Indiana Farmers Union and as a Midwest outreach consultant for Earth justice and a policy and communications