Perhaps you find yourself constantly worrying about finances, your job or your relationship. Maybe you find yourself getting depressed, feeling you're not good enough, no one really cares about you and you begin to isolate. Or maybe you've noticed your heart racing when going to a meeting or having to talk to someone.
Perhaps people are put off by your inability to control your temper. If any of these mood changes describe you there is hope - effective treatments can help you manage your moods and enjoy the happier life you want. Dr. Doherty has served on the Board of Directors of the Northeast Society for Group Psychotherapy, as well as Co-Chair of the Training Committee.
Perhaps people are put off by your inability to control your temper. If any of these mood changes describe you there is hope - effective treatments can help you manage your moods and enjoy the happier life you want. Dr. Doherty has served on the Board of Directors of the Northeast Society for Group Psychotherapy, as well as Co-Chair of the Training Committee.
Maybe you've found yourself worrying about your finances, or if your relationship with your partner will ever improve, or if your job is secure. Perhaps the health issues you are facing are causing you to lose sleep. Perhaps these worries interfere with your being able to concentrate. Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric illnesses affecting children and adults.
There's a lot to stress about - your financial future, your job, maybe the welfare of your children or aging parents. Whatever it is you find yourself ruminating about it and you can feel your anxiety go up. You are trying to deal with it but nothing seems to work. The stress always seems to be there.
Maybe you've recently come to realize that your anger is driving people away. Maybe someone, like your spouse or children, have pointed out how you seem to always react in an angry fashion. However you've come to the realization your anger is a problem you've tried to control it. But nothing seems to work.
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