Searider Productions at Wai'anae High School (SPWHS) is a collective of teachers, students and programs dedicated to helping the students of the Wai'anae complex succeed in all their endeavors. Education is our core, our heart, our soul. For over 20 years we have had the pleasure of helping the students at Wai'anae High School achieve their personal and academic goals.
Through a hands-on, real world approach students gain the knowledge and experience needed to navigate beyond graduation. We want to provide a real challenge for our students to shape ideas and refine the skills that help push them to become leaders in the classroom, around the state and across global communities.
Through a hands-on, real world approach students gain the knowledge and experience needed to navigate beyond graduation. We want to provide a real challenge for our students to shape ideas and refine the skills that help push them to become leaders in the classroom, around the state and across global communities.
Searider Productions has been built on the foundation of our Mission, Vision and Values. They are the guiding principles in every facet of what we do. We are proud of the culture these statements have produced - a place for our students to grow and learn in an fun, relevant and impactful way. Over the years we've been blessed to work with so many amazing people and organizations.
Whatever your goal - college or work - we can help you get there. We've partnered with our colleges and universities to offer students opportunities to complete real courses while in high school. Our partnerships with local businesses and organizations allow our students to work with real people in real situations doing real work.
To provide the Wai'anae Community, especially it's youth, with the educational support, job training and workforce development opportunities necessary for success as citizens of local and global communities. The Searider Productions Foundation (SPF) was formed to continue preparing our youth to be storytellers, social advocates and entrepreneurs within our community.
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