Jolene Shields Hypnotherapy
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Jolene Shields Hypnotherapy
Tele-Hypnosis sessions are available. Anxiety can and is overwhelming right now, and hypnosis gives a client a sense of calm and control back over their responses to current pandemic stress. Choose to respond to your life with calm and consciousness rather than react with tension and stress! The change you are looking for can happen rapidly, with consistent reinforcement of hypnotic suggestions during your sessions.

Jolene is a Board Certified Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapist with the National Guild of Hypnotists. The oldest and most prestigious hypnotherapy membership organization in the world. She also has advanced education and training in the area of Complementary Medical Hypnosis with the Guild.
Research has linked hypnosis to pain relief, and recent studies suggest how this mind-body approach works to reduce pain. While undergoing MRI scans when patients were hypnotized prior to being touched with heat stimulus, as well as when the patients were not hypnotized, researchers found that hypnosis was successful in significantly reducing or eliminating pain in all 12 volunteers.
To further enhance your wellness, schedule a private phone call session with Jolene for a customized session or program. Tele-Hypnosis sessions are available. Anxiety can and is overwhelming right now, and hypnosis gives a client a sense of calm and control back over their responses to current pandemic stress.
My mission is to empower individuals with the whole mind and body learning process of hypnotherapy. To offer an environment rich with solutions and techniques, that allow each client the ability to step back in to control of their lives and enhance their future health and well-being. Hypnosis is a naturally induced state of relaxed concentration.
Read testimonials from Jolene's clients and their outcomes and improvements with hypnosis. My labor experience with this child was so much easier than my previous experience with my first child. I think my success with HypnoBirthing came after months of practice at home. 2- I imagined a 7lb baby and that's what I got.
Reviews (10)
Kat Kobzeff CopyKat
Kat Kobzeff CopyKat
Nov 29, 2020
Before starting the hypnobirthing class I was terrified of birth and always thinking about the negative possibilities and outcomes (especially with COVID). Now I am genuinely excited and prepared to meet my son. I still have 9 weeks to go before my due date, but I feel equipped with the tools needed to bring my baby into the world peacefully. I will try to remember to update my review once I give birth to share how effective these techniques are during my labor, but the confidence, joy and deeper connection to my body and baby that I’ve already gained are worth every penny spent on the class
Rashonda Miles
Rashonda Miles
Jan 04, 2020
I can't believe how effective this was. I tried hypnotherapy with the attitude "well, I've tried everything else". I did not believe this would get rid of a life long phobia. After 2 sessions with Jolene, I'm ready to face it. Because of Jolene I have taken that power back and have gained control of my life again.
Dallas Robbins
Dallas Robbins
Sep 12, 2019
Suffering from a constant headache for months, unable to sleep but for a couple hours a night, pain killers having little effect, etc, etc.... Having been seeing a specialist at the U and we discussed hypnotherapy. Found Jolene and has been very helpful. Headache situation getting better, but sleep is about 1000 times better. I sleep better now than before I even started having the headache problem. I've also found other benefits from using the hypnotherapy, such as handling a career than normally has been very stressful, now is far less stressful than before and am finding myself pushing myself
Brookelynn Taul
Brookelynn Taul
Dec 25, 2018
I have had severe warts on my hands and really all over my body for about 5 years. Huge, painful, ugly warts. I tried every medical treatment possible most of which were very painful. If I had them cut off they came back. My dermatologist finally admitted she could not do anything else for me. I tried hypnotherapy as a last resort. After 3 sessions with Jolene they were 90% gone! I am still in disbelief. I have fallen in love with hypnotherapy. Jolene has given me my confidence back and I will forever be greatful!
Steve Wood
Steve Wood
May 20, 2017
I have been impressed with Jolene and the professional treatment that she provides. It has helped me a great deal. I sustained an injury and she has helped me cope with the pain, stress and anxiety. She makes time valuable. She takes time to listen, give feedback and then make your sessions personal and valuable. Jolene does an outstanding job creating support in the office and as you are on your own. It works and has made a difference.
Carly Waddoups
Carly Waddoups
Nov 11, 2016
I took Jolene's hypnobirthing class while pregnant with my third child and had an amazing birth experience. She does a phenomenal job preparing you for every stage of pregnancy, labor, and birth. Now, being pregnant with my fourth child, I have been working with Jolene again in preparation for my fourth birth and I am once again reminded of how life-changing this information can be. If you are seeking a natural birth and want to see the amazing things your body and mind are capable of, I highly, highly recommend Jolene Shields Hypnotherapy.
Lauren G.
Lauren G.
Aug 23, 2016
Great experience and I love the class at the end where you can learn how to self hypnotize. Jolene's voice is very calming and soothing and helps put you in a deep relaxed state. Would definitely recommend!
Febriana Farley
Febriana Farley
Aug 06, 2016
Jolene is absolutely wonderful - her methods she uses are so great and helpful. The first time I listened to the insomnia audio file I was out within minutes. It was the best night sleep I've gotten in weeks. Jolene is such a sweet person to work with and makes you feel totally comfortable throughout the whole process.
I also used her techniques when I gave birth to my son in October. Using the hypnobirthing techniques helped me have a wonderful labor, and I can honestly say I enjoyed it. It wasn't the easiest thing I've done, but she really teaches you how to manage the pressure (not pain!) and
Mike Anderson
Mike Anderson
Jul 02, 2016
Jolene is honestly one of the most sincere individuals i've met. Her passion for helping you truly shows each time she meets with you. I get excited each day that I know we will meet as her happy spirit helps me rise up. I would absolutely recommend Jolene to anyone!
Mike. A
Jolene Shields Hypnotherapy
Jolene Shields Hypnotherapy
Sep 07, 2015
Jolene’s work with my patients has been extremely helpful and therapeutic. She has given them wonderful tools to cope with chronic, often unbearable pain, disabling anxiety and panic, and preparation for potentially traumatic surgical procedures. Her work has been an excellent complement to biological and psychosocial psychiatric interventions that my patients are concurrently receiving. I would highly recommend her approach to anyone who could benefit from deep relaxation and mindfulness practice.
~Carmelia Javellana M.D.: Referring doctor