It doesn't matter what type of real estate is in question. Our ongoing analysis of local real estate trends and formal training as licensed appraisers make us qualified to provide commercial property valuations in Jefferson County and surrounding areas for clients ranging from national mortgage companies to local lenders or individual businesses and consumers.
Cook & Associates, Inc. is a leading provider of commercial real estate valuations in southeast Texas. W. Burnell Cook, MAI, SRA, CPA, President, has 34 years of varied commercial appraisal experience and is licensed by the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board as a Certified General Real Estate Appraiser.
Cook & Associates, Inc. is a leading provider of commercial real estate valuations in southeast Texas. W. Burnell Cook, MAI, SRA, CPA, President, has 34 years of varied commercial appraisal experience and is licensed by the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board as a Certified General Real Estate Appraiser.
Most of the people involved in real estate transactions are very familiar. The Realtor is the most common face of the transaction. The bank or other lender provides the financial capital necessary to fund the transaction. The title company ensures that all aspects of the transaction are completed and that a clear title passes from the seller to the buyer.
Settling an estate is an important and sometimes stressful job. As an executor you have been entrusted to carry out the wishes of the deceased as swiftly and exactly as possible. You can count on us to act quickly and with sensitivity to the feelings of everyone involved.
Attorneys and Accountants rely on Cook and Associates when calculating real property values for estates, divorces, or other disputes requiring a value being placed on real property.We understand their needs and are used to dealing with all parties involved. We provide appraisal reports that meet the requirements of the courts and various agencies.
Attorneys and Accountants rely on Cook and Associates when calculating real property values for estates, divorces, or other disputes requiring a value being placed on real property.We understand their needs and are used to dealing with all parties involved. We provide appraisal reports that meet the requirements of the courts and various agencies.
We offer a full range of Real Estate Appraisal services, with experience in many types of property. We are also experienced in litigation support and expert witness services. Clients who have used our expert testimony services include government agencies, tax entities, financial institutions, legal and accounting firms and many other businesses.
Lenders and brokers using Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) and homeowners using "free online home values" to determine the value of a property need to know what those results aren't telling them. Whether the house is really there. A computer can't so much as drive by a house to see if it's actually located where it's supposed to be, has four walls and a roof, and really is a four bedroom split level and not a one bedroom shack.
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