We work with your child to help them learn functional skills that are important in their everyday life. We work with your child to help them learn language and speech skills that are important for communication in their everyday life. We work with you and your child, guiding achievement of successful movement skills, while creating a fun experience.
Make treatment fun through an environment rich with opportunities for movement, sensations, and learning. Focus on having licensed therapists who love children and understand the benefits of providing their specialized pediatric treatment for them. This place is amazing there is no where in the world.
Make treatment fun through an environment rich with opportunities for movement, sensations, and learning. Focus on having licensed therapists who love children and understand the benefits of providing their specialized pediatric treatment for them. This place is amazing there is no where in the world.
For 25 years we have been providing therapy services for children and their families located primarily in the greater Tampa, Brandon, and Lakeland communities of Florida. Unlike a larger traditional hospital, we are a therapist owned, private practice. Make treatment fun through an environment rich with opportunities for movement, sensations, and learning.
Ability to complete daily self-care tasks such as: feeding, dressing, brushing teeth and hair, and bathing. Our Pediatric Occupational Therapists create fun treatment sessions that interest your child and encourage them to embrace change, growth and learning. The most thorough means for assessing sensory integration skills and deficits (now called Sensory Processing Dysfunctions.)
Discuss your concerns and evaluate your child's movement and development using physical examination and special testing procedures. Children are not motivated to change or learn by the same things. Our pediatric therapists work to find the best motivator and develop a unique, carefully crafted treatment plan to guide your child through their challenges and on to successes.
Ability to develop language both expressive (what they are saying) and receptive (what they are understanding). A further focus of Speech and Language Therapy is on the development and strengthening of your infant or child's oral-motor skills for feeding, drinking, and communicating. Develop strength, coordination, endurance, and range of motion of your child's mouth, lips, and cheeks.
The TheraSuit Method is an intense, specific, and individualized strengthening program focused on improving a child's functional movement patterns. The tailored intensive strengthening program utilizes a combination of pulleys and spider in the Universal Exercise Unit as well as wearing a soft dynamic proprioceptive orthotic, called the TheraSuit.
Reviews (1)
Dawn S.
Jul 09, 2019