The Shakers came from England in 1774, and by 1850 grew from a membership of nine to approximately 6,000 in villages throughout the eastern and central United States. Today, membership is small again, but this does not take away from the lasting mark that generations of Shaker Brothers and Sisters have made on our American heritage.
Shaker furniture has been a major creative force in our decorative arts heritage because it is the one truly original American style of furniture. Its clear crisp lines and singular lightness (with no sacrifice in strength) fit equally well into both modern interiors and more traditional settings. Shaker Workshops was founded in 1970 in Massachusetts with the purpose of reproducing original Shaker furniture as faithfully as possible.
Shaker furniture has been a major creative force in our decorative arts heritage because it is the one truly original American style of furniture. Its clear crisp lines and singular lightness (with no sacrifice in strength) fit equally well into both modern interiors and more traditional settings. Shaker Workshops was founded in 1970 in Massachusetts with the purpose of reproducing original Shaker furniture as faithfully as possible.
Shaker furniture is the one truly original American style of furniture. Its clear crisp lines and singular lightness unite and transcend both traditional and modern settings, and for that reason it has remained a major creative force in our decorative arts heritage for hundreds of years. For half a century, Shaker Workshops has worked to craft and faithfully reproduce it in the highest and finest quality.
The Shakers came from England in 1774 and grew from a membership of nine to approximately 6,000 by 1860, in villages throughout the eastern and central United States. Today, membership is small again, but this does not take away from the lasting mark which generations of Shaker brothers and sisters have made on our American heritage.
In all the Shaker communities, fabric tape was preferred over rush, wood splint, or cane because it is so functional. It does not dry out and break, nor does it pinch or snag clothing. It is stronger and longer lasting, and it is simple and quick to weave. In addition, it is more comfortable and colorful.
The Shakers used pegboard in nearly every room. They used it to hang coats, hats, brooms, and even chairs while the room was being cleaned. Our pegboard is made precisely like those in the 1830 Brick Dwelling at Hancock Shaker Village. Measuring 3 1/2 wide, it features beautiful beaded edges and is available in solid cherry or pine with maple pegs.
Produced by our own skilled craftspeople, our kits are based on specific Shaker pieces in museums and private collections. Whenever possible, we use the exact same species of wood used in the originals. Only common hand tools are needed to finish our kits--we strive to fashion each component to an accurate fit, leaving only the final hand sanding and finishing to you.
Reviews (4)
Barbara Sutcliffe
Mar 16, 2021
Recently completed this Shaker rocking chair from a kit and it is wonderful. Beautiful maple, great quality and most importantly, we had excellent advice and customer service from Shaker Workshops all along the way. Thanks for making these kits available and preserving the original, timeless Shaker designs. This was fun!
Jun 11, 2020
I recently purchased a Shaker Candle Stand table from Shaker Workshop. It is difficult to find authentic colonial furniture as most business have turned to Asia/China for cheap knockoffs. I am a woodworker and know quality furniture. First thing I look for is the joinery and my piece replicated the joinery invented by the shakers. Furthermore, I'm not just buying a piece of furniture, I'm looking to by a an heirloom, a piece of heritage I will hand down to my children. It has to be organically made by New England Craftsman in the same spirit the original piece was made. When I find that show piece
Annie S.
Feb 11, 2017
Louise C.
Jun 29, 2013
Two things I came across. I have never used water based stains and finishes before. At one point you say to use steel wool as the last treatment before the the poly- urathane coat, Of course you would try to get it all off but steel wool would rust with water based coat. The second trouble spot I ran into on my drop leaf table was the the hinges put into the mortised spots in the leaves did not fit . Everything else fit so beautifully I couldn't understand why they weren't wide enough for the hinge like the ones for the table top. I did not get them painted with stain or finish