Anchor Drugs Pharmacy carries a full line of medications and accepts most insurance plans. Bubble packing ensures a patient will be able to administer their medication and not forget to take a vital dosage. We offer single, weekly and multi-bubble packs, as well as medisets. Anchor Drugs offers services to long term care facilities and hospice Agencies across the Bay Area.
We are DME Accredited and are able to process your Diabetic supplies for you through Medi-Care. We also are a community provider of adult incontinent supplies. Anchor Drugs Pharmacy is a leader in medication therapy management, consulting with patients in a one-on-one consultation to review their medications, interactions and possible alternative remedies.
We are DME Accredited and are able to process your Diabetic supplies for you through Medi-Care. We also are a community provider of adult incontinent supplies. Anchor Drugs Pharmacy is a leader in medication therapy management, consulting with patients in a one-on-one consultation to review their medications, interactions and possible alternative remedies.