At SoulCare Counseling, we provide caring counseling from a Christian perspective for couples, families, and individuals. Because we are created with a need to securely connect with God and others, when that need goes unmet, we try all sorts of ways to not feel the pain. Yet, the way we manage our pain may cause problems in our relationships and within ourselves.
If you are hurting and it's not getting better, we can help. There is hope for your relationship. There is healing for your feelings of anger, hurt and confusion; of shame, fear and anxiety; of depression, despair and disappointment. If you are tired of feeling the way you do, we invite you to contact us today for a free thirty-minute consultation with one of our caring counselors.
If you are hurting and it's not getting better, we can help. There is hope for your relationship. There is healing for your feelings of anger, hurt and confusion; of shame, fear and anxiety; of depression, despair and disappointment. If you are tired of feeling the way you do, we invite you to contact us today for a free thirty-minute consultation with one of our caring counselors.
Do you long for a close, safe, secure, loving connection with your partner, but instead find yourselves stuck in a cycle of misunderstandings and arguments? Do insignificant things trigger marital conflict that escalates and intensifies with one partner attacking and the other withdrawing? Or perhaps both of you attack and counter-attack, trying to find "the bad guy."
Are you having the same argument again and again? Do you sometimes feel like you're walking on eggshells with your partner? Does that same old injury come up every time you have an argument? Do you long to be heard and understood? Is your relationship stuck or at a tipping point? Are you in a crisis?
If you've just become engaged, congratulations. Marriage is one of the biggest steps you'll ever take in your life. As soon as the question was popped and the answer was "yes, " you started imagining what your life together will be like. Yet in the back of your mind, there are some nagging questions: Is this really the right person?
Since the first family left the Garden of Eden to your family today, families have been challenging and filled with problems. Is your family experiencing a rough patch? Are you going through the loss of a family member? Is someone in the family suffering from substance abuse? Are there issues between parents such as parenting issues or going through a separation or divorce?
Every Christian knows 1 Peter 5:7. It says, "Cast your anxieties upon Him, for He cares for you." That tells us two things: 1) God cares for us, and 2) we have anxieties. Anxiety is a part of life, but there is normal, useful anxiety that heightens our senses and prepares us for action, and there is abnormal, destructive anxiety.