Kadampa Meditation Center San Diego is dedicated to offering meditation classes that are based in the ancient wisdom of Buddhism. We inspire positive personal transformation by offering clear and practical instructions intended to help busy people integrate meditation into modern life. Our doors are open to everyone.
Located in the Normal Heights area of San Diego, KMC SD offers an open and relaxed environment in which to learn about and practice meditation and modern Buddhism, and to connect and engage with like-minded individuals in a casual and caring setting. Classes, study programs, workshops, and retreats are offered on a regular basis.
Located in the Normal Heights area of San Diego, KMC SD offers an open and relaxed environment in which to learn about and practice meditation and modern Buddhism, and to connect and engage with like-minded individuals in a casual and caring setting. Classes, study programs, workshops, and retreats are offered on a regular basis.
Thank you for considering membership. We are a non-profit, volunteer run organization that relies on your support and generosity. Memberships require a 3-month minimum commitment. Contributions are made by automatic payment. To become a member, please email our Administrative Director at [email protected].
Meditation is good medicine, it heals our inner diseases of anger, anxiety, jealousy and fear. Buddha taught that these inner poisons are the main cause of all our problems. If we remove the inner source, our suffering will definitely cease. And without negative and cloudy thinking we will naturally be able to deal constructively with our external circumstances.
Buddha's life and teachings reveal a blueprint that anyone can follow to awaken our fullest potential for happiness. This series will explain the core insights and practices of Buddhism - from meditation and mindfulness to reincarnation, karma and the true nature of things - in a practical, accessible, non-dogmatic way.
Through studying Buddha's Tantric teachings we can understand how Enlightenment is actually possible. Through practicing this inner spiritual technology we will actually transform our self from an ordinary person into an enlightened person with great capacity to benefit others. Modern Buddhism Volume 2 Tantra explains how to practice Buddha's profound Tantric teachings - the quick path to enlightenment.
Sometimes it feels like we can't stop our day. And yet, if we take a little time to meditate, our state of mind at work or home will be much more balanced. This class touches on Buddhist topics like love, compassion and wisdom to gain familiarity with navigating our life happily. Refresh your day with a meditation class and experience the peaceful benefits.