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You can create major market visibility for your products or services. But to achieve it, you must maintain high communications frequency - meaning you've got to keep getting your messages to the market all the time. With vast tech press experience, DGPR can methodically deliver your messages to your markets.

With 15+ years high-tech PR experience, we know what editors need and want and how to package your product or service value proposition so it is editorially acceptable. San Jose Business Journal article says conventional PR is out; proactive marketing PR is in as the correct strategy to gain industry recognition.
Dan Garza has extensive experience in high-tech marketing support programs as a strategic marketing planner, PR consultant, writer, and publicist. He has successfully worked with a number of major companies to help them with their product marketing planning and program execution. Among them are Sun Microsystems, LSI Logic, AT&T Microelectronics, and others.
The written word is powerful and helps to create leadership, reputation, credibility, and paves the way to an improved sales environment. How do you do that? The answer is through the written word. Blast it out in a variety of ways. Keep your customers and potential customers constantly aware of your company's technical prowess and solutions and how you can help them.
Companies often use disparate groupings of market communications tools to try to get new customers -- like an ad here, a direct mail piece there, and maybe a technical article a quarter. And they cross their fingers hoping for the best. Generally, tactics like that prove ineffective. The reason: low message frequency doesn't create market awareness.
A proactive, planned, and sustained series of published strategic articles maintains that editorial interest and is at the heart of an aggressive marketing-oriented public relations program. We have a high hit rate for getting strategic articles published in the leading trade press - both print and online.
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