Kassenhoff Growers
Peggy Kass & Helen Krayenhoff have owned and managed Kassenhoff Growers Plant Nursery since 1995. We are committed to growing high quality certified organic plants that will thrive when planted in your garden. We offer hardy varieties that are acclimated to this area and carefully selected to flourish in our local micro-climates.

Our seedlings are not grown in greenhouses, they are raised outdoors. They are hardened off and ready to plant as soon as you get home. Our wonderful customer TC Duong wrote this piece about us in Oakland Local (oaklandlocal.com) and they have graciously allowed us to reprint it here. Helen Krayenhoff and Peggy Kass of Kassenhoff Growers are not just seedling vendors.
Both pole peas and pole beans need something to climb on. Even the bush varieties appreciate some support. Tidy plants make it much easier to harvest the pods as the plants are held upright. Free standing trellises or netting and vertical strings tied onto a fence or wall are both good options. Try the following instructions if you want to grow your legumes in your garden away from a permanent structure like a fence or wall.
Sometimes customers report that they have lovely lush squash or cucumber plants but they get a small harvest. The problem is one of pollination. They form under the female flower and will only turn into a fruit if they are pollinated by the pollen from a male flower. Now this pollen can come from a male flower on the same plant or from any other male flower of a plant in the cucurbit family.
When you want to plant a tall tomato plant into your garden, dig it in deeper. Carefully cut the lower branches off and plant it so that only two to four leaf nodes are above the soil. This will give the plant a sturdy, secure start. Tomatoes have the wonderful ability to grow roots from their stems.
One of the questions we are most often asked is 'How far apart should I plant these seedlings?' There are a range of answers to that question, mostly based on the way you plan to harvest your plants. If you plan to regularly pick outside leaves as the plant continues to mature, you can plant them a bit closer together.
Based on our over 20 years experience of growing vegetables in Oakland, California, I have created this attractive calendar to help guide you in knowing what to plant when. I have also indicated whether it's best to plant seeds directly in the soil or to use seedlings for better success. It is 8 1/2" x 11" and printed on card stock.
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