Regular acupuncture treatments can improve many medical conditions. Healing can be mental, emotional or physical. Deep healing requires that you be an active participant in your own care. This means a healthy diet and regular exercise and fostering healthy relationships. Felicia treats patients for pain, stress and anxiety.
She can also treat many internal medicine conditions. Felicia specializes in treating ALL CHRONIC PAIN & HEALTH CONDITIONS through Oriental Medicine, Energy Work, and Nutrition as The Chronic Conditions Specialist. Felicia provides a pleasant "healing experience" rather than JUST NEEDLES combining several complementary modalities to deliver the best results for her patients.
She can also treat many internal medicine conditions. Felicia specializes in treating ALL CHRONIC PAIN & HEALTH CONDITIONS through Oriental Medicine, Energy Work, and Nutrition as The Chronic Conditions Specialist. Felicia provides a pleasant "healing experience" rather than JUST NEEDLES combining several complementary modalities to deliver the best results for her patients.
I grew up in Mobile, AL - the original home of Mardi Gras in the US. Prior to becoming an Acupuncture Physician, I did various office jobs. Even though I was very good at office work I was never truly satisfied with these job choices. I always felt drawn towards helping people in a bigger way. Fortunately I discovered acupuncture at age 26.
Felicia Dyess, AP combines Acupuncture, Tui Na bodywork, Reiki healing and The Intra-Wellness Method into her therapy sessions. She also evaluates your diet and nutrition to see where improvements can be made with home care. Most people feel a positive change with their symptoms within 1-2 treatments after seeing Felicia.
Expect your treatments with Felicia Dyess AP to be more of a "healing experience" rather than just acupuncture needles. Her abilities allow her to go beyond Oriental Medicine and Energy Work - and provide a fusion of both during your treatment.
Felicia Dyess is a Medical Intuitive and Spiritual Medicine Healer who has dedicated the last 7 years to intense intuition development and energy work training as well as creation of her own forms of energy healing and emotional reprogramming work.She has done advanced energy work training with Dr. Karen Kan who is an MD, Medical Acupuncturist and Spiritual Medicine Doctor.
Felicia Dyess is a Medical Intuitive and Spiritual Medicine Healer who has dedicated the last 7 years to intense intuition development and energy work training as well as creation of her own forms of energy healing and emotional reprogramming work.She has done advanced energy work training with Dr. Karen Kan who is an MD, Medical Acupuncturist and Spiritual Medicine Doctor.
First Acupuncture Session: This is a 45 min session that includes a consultation and treatment. Treatment may include Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reiki, Energy Work, Bodywork and Positive Emotion Work depending on the patient's beginning care needs. You will be IN and OUT of the office in about an hour after payment and rescheduling.
The average treatment could take 1-3 treatments on average before a change is notice. In some cases, it may take up to 5 sessions before a noticeable change in symptoms occurs. In my office, most patients feel a change after the FIRST treatment. State law requires the Florida acupuncturists use single-use disposable needles that are sterile and pre-packaged.
Reviews (1)
Joanne D.
Jan 30, 2020
I am a long time acupuncture patient of Felicia's. She is a healer of the highest order, both physically and emotionally. She is empathetic and uncannily gifted at getting to the root source of whatever is causing physical discomfort and just making it better. She is a critical component in my health regime and I highly recommend her to anyone who just wants to live their best life!